Seafood Restaurants
Craig Millar
16 West End, St Monans near Anstruther, Fife, KY10 2BX
T. 01333 730327
(0 user reviews)
East Pier
East Shore, St Monans near Anstruther, Fife, KY10 2AR
T. 01333 405030
(0 user reviews)
The Haven Bar & Restaurant
1 Shore Street, Cellardyke near Anstruther, Fife, KY10 3BD
T. 01333 310574
(0 user reviews)
The Seafood Restaurant
The Scores, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9AS
T. 01334 479475
(0 user reviews)
The Waterfront
18-20 Shore Street, Anstruther, Fife, KY10 3EA
T. 01333 312200
(0 user reviews)
Seafood Restaurants in St Andrews Scotland
If you know of another fish and seafood restaurant in St Andrews, or corrections (address, telephone number, etc.) to any fish and seafood restaurant we currently list, then please let us know. Also, if you own or run a St Andrews fish and seafood restaurant and would like to link to our site then please see our linking instructions.