Alba Residential
St Andrews
KY16 9PA
Phone: 01334 470028
Facebook: AlbaResidentialStAndrews
Letting Agents & Property Managers in St Andrews , Market Street in St Andrews
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3 user review(s)
I've just moved in to a property with Alba and I couldn't be happier with the service. I have only ever rented once before and had an awful time of it. This time I feel so much happier, everything was so easy and well explained and they have a nice small team so you feel like you know them all and you know who you are speaking to. I had a small thing that had stopped working when I moved in which was fixed the same day. I'm so chuffed with them and would definitely recommend them to anyone!! So professional (5/5)
Didn't return call. (2/5)
OK - have found them a bit hit or miss. Sometimes I've dealth with someone friendly and helpful, other times not. OK if they have the property you want, but I wouldn't go out of my way to rent with them. (3/5)
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