St Andrews
KY16 9PA
Phone: 01334 473919
Facebook: Bonkers.Shop
Gift Shops in St Andrews , Market Street in St Andrews
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2 user review(s)
Excellent in everyway - Bonkers is a delight and just one good reason why people would want to come to St Andrews and shop. Bonkers has a truly wonderful range of gifts, toys, cards and is simply a pleasure to behold. Whats more they do it with a level of customer service that puts most other shops in the town to shame. We love you Bonkers! keep it up (5/5)
A great independent card and gift shop in the centre of St Andrews. The ground floor contains many unusual gifts and home decorations while downstairs houses a great selection of original cards for every occasion. (4/5)
The views expressed here are those of site visitors - not necessarily those of the administrators or owners of this site.
Gift Shops in St Andrews Scotland
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