Costa Coffee
St Andrews
KY16 9NX
Phone: 01334 475986
Web: Website not known
Cafes & Coffee Shops in St Andrews , Market Street in St Andrews
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2 user review(s)
I was disappointed to see the above review, Costa is an extremely busy place which consistently provides fantastic service and great coffee. They deal with loads of customers! It's got a great friendly atmosphere and the staff are so friendly! I've been a regular for 2 years and it's only got better. The staff get on great and seem to work well together and never walk past me in the street without a smile. I would highly recommend, they wouldn't have such friendly helpful staff if there was a problem and the coffee is the best in St Andrews (4/5)
The service I got was fine, the coffee was fine but I couldn't help but notice the way the assistant (?) manager was speaking to the other members of staff. I don't want to jump to jump the gun and say she was bullying them, but she was certainly being very bossy in a way i doubt most would consider acceptable. Needless to say she was courteous as soon as she was dealing with a customer! I'm only writing a review as I've now seen this happen more than once when I've been in... so Starbucks next time for me, I don't want to encourage a place that employs people like that. (2/5)
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Cafes & Coffee Shops in St Andrews Scotland
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