St Andrews
KY16 9PD
Phone: Unknown
Web: Website not known
Bakers & Confectioners in St Andrews , Market Street in St Andrews
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1 user review(s)
Tried your new shop for the first time today. Oh dear!oh dear! oh dear! Bring back the old one. Customer comfort and service sacrificed in the name of progress and profit. Coffee in a paper cup, food served in a brown paper bag despite assistant asking if it was Take away or sitting in and being told it was the latter. Not good enough! You might as well do away with the seats and tables and make it take-away only. Obviously aimed at the Student take -away market not the locals who frequented your previous store 52 weeks per year (not only academic terms !).Iwill not be back nor will I recommend it to my friends. Poor decision Greggs! (2/5)
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Bakers & Confectioners in St Andrews Scotland
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