Linsey's Shoe Box
St Andrews
KY16 9EG
Phone: 01334 479493
Web: Website not known
Shoe Shops in St Andrews , South Street in St Andrews
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6 user review(s)
Likewise, bought a pair of winter boots for my daughter and when I brought them back unworn for exchange/refund (they weren't comfortable), they refused to do either. Clarks now get my money. (2/5)
I went on Thursday and it was closed. I went on satuday before 5 and it was closed. I went on Monday at 10am and it was closed. I went again at 4.30 and it was closed! If you cant have the shop open as advertised why advertise opening times. (2/5)
Initially I thought the service was great, but as soon as I had a problem with a pair of boots for my daughter, I was extremely disappointed and angry at the total lack of care shown. Since the incident I have spoken to friends who have also experienced the lack of customer service here. Wont be shopping there again! (2/5)
A pleasure to go to. Helpful and a lot friendlier ( than Perth childrens shoe shops!!) for a good range of quality shoes (4/5)
Claire at Linsey's Shoe Box was very helpful in arranging uplift/delivery of boots I was desperate to get for a christmas gift for my niece. Many thanks to the staff at Lindey's Shoe box. (4/5)
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