Pathhead Nurseries Flower Shop
KY10 3EA
Phone: 01333 310407
Web: Website not known
Florists in Anstruther , Shore Street in Anstruther
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2 user review(s)
Old tired roses for the 2nd year running. All open and on their last legs,by the next day they were all dead.Husband ordered them from abroad,at vast expense.Worst looking flowers ever received by Interflora. same thing last Valentines,but he wasnt to know. Staff not bothered. Go to Tescos much better quality. (2/5)
I ordered by phone in the morning (always a bit risky) and received a friendly and detailed description of what would be sent. The flowers were waiting at our lodgings when we arrived that evening and were beautiful. Altogether very satified with the service and I will be using this sevice again. (5/5)
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Florists in St Andrews Scotland
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