The Raisin
St Andrews
KY16 9PL
Phone: 01334 474068
Web: Website not known
Pubs & Clubs in St Andrews , Alexandra Place in St Andrews
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8 user review(s)
Awesome for cocktails!! And good cheap drinks. But the music is pretty bad. Like really bad. Good student bar though, and serves pretty decent food too. (4/5)
great pub cheapish drinks pool lge screen tv's great music, i'd go nowhere else. (4/5)
Cheap enough but the tables are always filthy and sticky. Also, the staff don't have much of a uniform and it can be difficult to tell who is working sometimes. (2/5)
Formulaic student chain pub - but great promotions if you can befriend a student/cardholder. (4/5)
always end up here at some point. good wee pub, and alot cheaper than most of the others around. (4/5)
Nowhere else? Christ... If you've ever been to a 'Scream' bar before then you know what to expect. Rubbish music but cheap drinks. (3/5)
Its the best pub in St Andrews, never go anywhere else!!! (5/5)
Bouncy undergraduates jostle for position at the bar in this overly packed chain-pub. Drinks are cheap but there are few other reasons to come here. (2/5)
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Pubs & Clubs in St Andrews Scotland
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